曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s a&8」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②、新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧、練習、未発表
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(国内向(for domestic use))
(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by Level 6, which does not read notes. There exists a unique rhythm of light and pulse, of light and flow, of the ancient and the modern, and of time, and it is played with precision, with hidden tenderness and strength, with a sense of heavenly light illuminating the earth, under one controlling power. Quantize it. Then it will look like this.
Copyright © 2015-2025 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2025 Asasane Design Studio.