


020_02_03_Level5 next LXRZTαEc 7 0s 004_t4_02

曲名「Level5 next LXRZTαEc 7 0s 004」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & T & α & Ec & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by a level 6 player, who does not read notes, with two hands on level 5. The tune is light and flowing, unique and precise, with a sense of courage, tenderness, and naturalness present. And there exists a changing sense of goodness, a sense of green and powerful, a sense of wood yellow and wood temperament, played with a stream of mind that is luminous, luminous, luminous great, and honorable. And then quantize it. Then it will look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.

音符を読まないレベル6が、レベル5の両手で、今までにない程に、軽快に軽やかに心弾む、変則的で独特で、強さと友情の、精度の良さ and 駆け巡る、天性の感覚の、良いことある、changingの流れで奏でたものを、クォンタイズするとこうなる【その1】021_02_04


021_02_04_Level5 next LXRZTαEc 7 0s 006_t2_52

曲名「Level5 next LXRZTαEc 7 0s 006」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & T & α & Ec & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by a level 6 player who does not read notes, but plays with two hands on level 5. The tune has an irregularity and uniqueness, a strength and friendship, and a precision that makes one’s heart beat more lightly and lightly than ever before. And there is a natural feeling that runs through it, and it is played with a changing flow of good things. Quantize it. Then it will look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.

音楽の基本を知らないレベル6が、その歌声で歌うとこうなる【その1】[20220504] 000_37_031204101



曲名「20220504_2552140730shin41376」 作曲:Asasane 声:Asasane
カテゴリー: song2㊲Song4新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧voice sound練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
If you sing by level 6, which does not know the basics of music. If you sing in that voice, it will sound like this. (1)


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.

音楽の基本を知らないレベル6が、その歌声で歌うとこうなる【その2】[20220506_lala_rule] 000_37_012



曲名「20220506_lala_rule」 作曲:Asasane 声:Asasane
カテゴリー: song2㊲Song4新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧voice sound未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
If you sing by level 6, which does not know the basics of music. If you sing in that voice, it will sound like this. (2)


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



022_02_05_Level5 next LXRZαEc 6 0s_t3_00

曲名「Level5 next LXRZαEc 6 0s」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & α & Ec & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
A level 6 player, who does not read notes, plays with level 5 hands. The tune played has a fresh feeling, a shimmering, light, stable sound, and in concert with everyone else, there is a clean pulse, a changable flow of the earth’s frequencies. Quantize it. Then, this is what happens.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.


曲名「Level5 next LXRZTαEc 0000000 003」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & T & α & Ec

音符を読まないレベル6が、レベル5の両手で、静かなる疾風の、穏やかなる心の動きの、いつもの心地良さの、 天と地と心の扉の鍵を開く鼓動の流れで奏でたものを、クォンタイズするとこうなる【その1】 023_02_06


023_02_06_Level5 next LXRZTα 6 0s_t3_44

曲名「Level5 next LXRZTα 6 0s」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & T & α & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))
音符を読まないレベル6の奏者が、レベル5の両手で奏でる。その曲調には、静かなる疾風の、穏やかなる心の動きの、いつもの心地良さの、 天と地と心の扉の鍵を開く鼓動の流れが存在していて、奏でられている。それを、クォンタイズする。すると、このようになります。

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by a level 6 player who does not read the notes, but plays with two hands on level 5. In that tune, the quiet gale, the gentle movement of the heart, the usual comfort, the flow of the heartbeat that unlocks the doors of heaven, earth, and mind, is present and played. Quantize it. Then it goes like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.

大気の海の大地の、清らかなる清楚な鼓動が木霊する、清く正しく美しく、心の目で見て物を言う、遥かなる 太古の昔の更に昔、一つの、大きな意思がこの世にあり、聖真精霊聖王となった事が始まりの、この物語の主人公のお話の流れで奏でたものを、クォンタイズするとこうなる【その1】

曲名「Level5 next LXRZTαEc 0000000」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & T & α & Ec



024_02_07_Level5 over factor Zigen + R 001_t3_08

曲名「Level5 over factor Zigen+R 001」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:Zigen & R & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
A level 6 player who does not read notes plays with a level 5 left hand. The dimension expresses the over factor Zigen. played by a level 5 + R flow with different dimensions. Quantize it. Then, it becomes like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



025_02_08_Level5 next Letsu 001_t5_40

曲名「Level5 next Letsu 001」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:Letsu & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
A level 6 player who does not read the notes says to the level 5 right hand. Please take care of it. And plays it. And quantize it. Then it goes like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.

音符を読まないレベル6が、練習で、本物の曲を見るように、軽快に流れるように、踊るように精度よく、強さと優しさを秘め、天を掛ける龍神の如く響き渡る流れで奏でたものを、クォンタイズするとこうなる【その1】 026_02_09


026_02_09_Level5 next LXRZα 5 0s_t2_04

曲名「Level5 next LXRZα 5 0s」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & α & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
A level 6 player who does not read notes plays with both hands of level 5. As if watching a real song, it flows nimbly, dances with precision, has strength and grace, and plays in a resonant flow like a dragon god hanging over the heavens. Quantize it. Then it will look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



027_02_10_Level5 next LXRZT 5 0s_t4_08

曲名「Level5 next LXRZT 5 0s」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & T & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
A level 6 player who does not read notes plays with level 5 two hands. It is played with a unique, precise, strength and graceful, fusion mix tropical fine musician flow of lively natural flow, light flow. Quantize it. Then it will look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



028_02_11_Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s a&6_t2_52

曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s a&6」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
A level 6 player who does not read notes plays with the two hands of a level 5 player. It is played with a flow that is light, soft, shimmering and joyous, strong and gentle, reminiscent of heavenly echoes, and reminds one of the dawn sky of a new heaven and new earth. Quantize it. Then it will look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.

音符を読まないレベル6が、レベル5の両手で、早きように天駆ける如く、静かに心の躍る如く、水の湧き出る原水の如く、能動であることに意義のある、 天と心と地の扉を開けるが如く、軽やかに、流れるように独特で、精度よく、勇気ある流れで、奏でたものを、クォンタイズするとこうなる【その1】

曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 0000 a&7」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z



029_02_12_Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s a&3_t4_18

曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s a&3」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It has a shimmering heartbeat, a fraternal love for one’s friends, a unique pulse and precision, and it plays with a sense of calling the light of time, creating a light flow of light through the strength in gentleness. Quantize it. Then it will look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.


曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 0000 a&5」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z



曲名「Level5 next 0000 LXRZ a&4&shin」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & shin



030_02_13_Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s a&8_t3_12

曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s a&8」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by Level 6, which does not read notes. There exists a unique rhythm of light and pulse, of light and flow, of the ancient and the modern, and of time, and it is played with precision, with hidden tenderness and strength, with a sense of heavenly light illuminating the earth, under one controlling power. Quantize it. Then it will look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.


曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 0000 a&2」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z



031_02_14_Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s a&1_t4_02

曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s a&1」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, plays. The flow is a combination of strength and gentleness, with a sense of resurrection of a Level 5 player of a different dimension, and the power of X and R are added and multiplied, with the sense of L being an auxiliary. The L sense assists and supports, and plays with the flow of new door, opening, and sound. Quantize it. Then, it becomes like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



032_02_15_Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s a_t2_42

曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s a」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, is played by both hands of Level 5. It is played with a flow that is unwavering and unmoved, a flow in which the beat of the soul, the advanced flow, the rhythm, the precision, the gentleness, and the harmony are vibrant. Quantize it. Then it will be like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



033_02_16_Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s 009_t4_22

曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s 009」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, is played by both hands of the level 5 player. It was played with the sense of a comprehensive flow of light, with the strength of a heart that was able to sustain a good flow of precision and a gentle rootedness in its uniqueness, with a heartbeat that flows nimbly amidst the shimmering, dazzling, and jubilant glow. Quantize it. Then it will look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



034_02_17_Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s 008_t5_00

曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s 008」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, is played by both hands of Level 5. It plays softly, gently, warmly, like a little bird letting you hear its voice, with a sense of rhythm, tempo, precision, and rich harmonic flow. Quantize it. Then it will sound like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



035_02_18_Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s 007_t3_54

曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s 007」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, is played by both hands of level 5. With a sense of mental stability, it plays with a flow that is close to the sense it had been playing in the beginning, but still shows evidence of change, with good precision, original and irregular but flowing lightly, with strength and tenderness visible, reminiscent of the awakening of a new sense of breath. Quantize it. Then it will look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



036_02_19_Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s 006_t3_42

曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 4 0s 006」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
A level 6 player who does not read notes plays with the two hands of a level 5 player. It is played with a flow that conveys a good sense of lightness, comfort, uniqueness, precision, tenderness, and strength, as if it has been a long time since it has been played in the usual way. Quantize it. Then it goes like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.


曲名「Level5 next 00 00 LXRZ 005」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z