


039_02_22_Level5 next R & R 0017_t3_02

曲名「Level5 next R & R 0017」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:R & R & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
A level 6 player who does not read notes plays with the left hand of a level 5 player. It is played in a harmonious and haunting flow, with a sense of modesty and elegance and a sense of freshness and freshness, a fusion of the usual unique sensations. Quantize it. Then it goes like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



040_02_23_Level5 next LXZR 4 0s 5521_t3_18

曲名「Level5 next LXZR 4 0s 5521」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & Z & R & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))
音符を読まないレベル6が奏でる。いつものように皆に声を掛け、いつものように曲を奏でる事を、快く受けてくれることを頼もしげに思い、いつもの皆の力を借り、ここにAsasane Level Five Soundの響きありと、心強く思う流れで奏でた。それを、クォンタイズする。すると、このようになります。

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level Six, who never reads a note, plays. I called out to everyone as usual, and was reassured that they were willing to accept my playing a tune as usual, and with the help of everyone as usual, I played it with a reassuring flow, thinking that here is the sound of Asasane Level Five Sound. Quantize it. Then, it will sound like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



041_02_24_Level5 next LXRZ 2 0s 2 0s 002_t3_26

曲名「Level5 next LXRZ 2 0s 2 0s 002」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
A level 6 player who does not read notes plays with the two hands of a level 5 player. It is played with shimmer, dazzle, and flowing rhythm, with a sound that shows strength and tenderness in its precision and unique tune. Quantize it. Then it will look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



042_02_25_Level5 next Level6 & Level5 21012_t3_06

曲名「Level5 next Level6 & Level5 21012」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:Level6 & Level5 & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
The level 6 player plays on level 5 notes. Quantize it. Then it will look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



043_62_26_Level5 next 00 00_t3_22

曲名「Level5 next 00 00」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:Level5 & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
A level 6 player who does not read notes plays with both hands of a level 5 player. It is played with a clear flow, a pleasant sensation, and a good flow that resonates in the broad, clear mind, as if contemplating a clear, open sky. Quantize it. Then it will look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



068_05_01_R & X & L & I 001_t2_22

曲名「R & X & L & I 001」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:R & X & L & I & Asasane 演奏時間:2分22秒
カテゴリー: +20Pink+○⑤+20Pink+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by level 6, which does not read the notes. It is played by both hands of level 5 with a sense of precision and tenderness in mind, with an expression of mysterious flow and bouncy freshness, then quantize it. It will then look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



069_05_02_RX & L 001_t3_36

曲名「RX & L 001」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:R & X & L & Asasane 演奏時間:3分36秒
カテゴリー: +20Pink+○⑤+20Pink+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by level 6 who does not read the notes. To be able to express it aesthetically, level 5 plays it with both hands and then quantizes it. Then it looks like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



056_24_21_Level5 All_t3_24

曲名「Level5 All」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:Level5 & Asasane 演奏時間:3分24秒
カテゴリー: +20Blue+○④+20Blue+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, plays. It is played by both hands of level 5 with a light, flowing, bouncy, gentle, fierce, and pleasant sensation, then quantize it. It will then look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



057_04_52_XGood 001_t2_02

曲名「XGood 001」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:X & Good & Asasane 演奏時間:2分02秒
カテゴリー: +20Blue+○④+20Blue+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習かっこいい感覚の曲


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by level 6, which does not read the notes. It is played by both hands of level 5 with a flowing tempo and rhythmic sense of precision, then quantize it. It will then look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



058_04_03_L & X & R & Z 001_t2_26

曲名「L & X & R & Z 001」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & Asasane 演奏時間:2分26秒
カテゴリー: +20Blue+○④+20Blue+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習かっこいい感覚の曲


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by level 6, which does not read the notes. It is played by both hands of level 5 with a strong, gentle, light, supple, flowing sense of precision, and then quantize it. It will then look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



070_05_03_RX & L 002_t2_42

曲名「RX & L 002」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:R & X & L & Asasane 演奏時間:2分42秒
カテゴリー: +20Pink+○⑤+20Pink+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by level 6, which does not read the notes. It is played by both hands of level 5 in an irregularly rhythmic, strange sense of flow and hearty tone, then quantize it. It will then look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



071_05_04_Z 002_t2_36

曲名「Z 002」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:Z & Asasane 演奏時間:2分36秒
カテゴリー: +20Pink+○⑤+20Pink+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by level 6, which does not read the notes. In a flow with a sense of intensity of intention, level 5 plays with the left hand and then quantizes it. It then looks like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



059_04_04_FX 001_t1_50

曲名「FX 001」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:F & X & Asasane 演奏時間:1分50秒
カテゴリー: +20Blue+○④+20Blue+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, plays it. With a sense of flowing comfort and some nostalgia, level 5 plays it with both hands and then quantizes it. Then it goes like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



060_04_05_LRX 001_t2_28

曲名「LRX 001」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & R & X & Asasane 演奏時間:2分28秒
カテゴリー: +20Blue+○④+20Blue+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by a level 6 who does not read the notes. It has both strength and grace, a light, rhythmic tone, and precision, and is played by both hands of level 5, which then quantizes it. It will then look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.

音符を読まないレベル6が、練習で、レベル5の左手で、心地よく流れる感じにリズミカルに弾いたものを、クォンタイズするとこうなる【 Rバージョン 】272_05_05o


272_05_05_RXZ 002_R_t3_50

曲名「RXZ 002_R」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:R & X & Z & Asasane 演奏時間:3分50秒
カテゴリー: +20Pink+○⑤+20Pink+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))
音符を読まないレベル6が演奏する。心地良く流れる感覚でリズミカルに、レベル5の左手で奏でた後、それをクオンタイズする。すると、このようになります。(R version)

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by level 6, which does not read the notes. Rhythmically with a pleasant flowing sensation, level 5’s left hand plays it, then quantizes it. It will then look like this.(R version)


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



061_04_06_LXR 002_t3_16

曲名「[LXR 002」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Asasane 演奏時間:3分16秒
カテゴリー: +20Blue+○④+20Blue+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, plays. Somewhat gently, with a light, flowing, mysterious sense of rhythmic goodness, level 5 plays it with both hands, then quantizes it. Then it goes like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



362_04_07_ZXL 001_3_t2_10

曲名「ZXL 001_3」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:Z & X & L & Asasane 演奏時間:2分10秒
カテゴリー: +20Blue+○④+20Blue+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by level 6, which does not read the notes. Strong and flowing, with good tempo and rhythm, maintaining a sense of precision, with a sense of strength in gentleness, played by both hands of level 5, then quantize it. It will then look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



073_05_06_ZX 002_t2_48

曲名「ZX 002」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:Z & X & Asasane 演奏時間:2分48秒
カテゴリー: +20Pink+○⑤+20Pink+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by level 6, which does not read the notes. Quantize it after it is played by the right hand of level 5 and the left hand of level 5 so that there is a sense of strength and a light, comfortable flow. It will then look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



063_44_38_X & Good 001_t2_48

曲名「X & Good 001」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:X & Good & Asasane
カテゴリー: +20Blue+○④+20Blue+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, plays. A slightly stronger tone, flowing with precision, is played by both hands of level 5, which then quantizes it. It will then look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



074_05_07_RNXZ & L 001_t3_42

曲名「RNXZ & L 001」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:R & N & X & Z & L & Asasane 演奏時間:3分42秒
カテゴリー: +20Pink+○⑤+20Pink+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, plays. In a shimmering flow, with precision, comfort, and a sense of gentleness, it is played by both hands of level 5, which then quantizes it. Then it goes like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



064_04_09_X & Z 001_t3_28

曲名「X & Z 001」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:X & Z & Asasane 演奏時間:3分28秒
カテゴリー: +20Blue+○④+20Blue+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by a level 6 who does not read the notes. With a strong, light, supple sense of flow with good precision, it is played by both hands of level 5, which then quantizes it. It will then look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



065_04_10_Level5-Four 001_1_t3_36

曲名「Level5-Four 001_1」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:Level5 & Asasane 演奏時間:3分36秒
カテゴリー: +20Blue+○④+20Blue+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))
音符を読まないレベル6が演奏する。レベル5の力と生まれた日とを掛け合わせて、優雅に軽やかに流れるリズムで、レベル5の両手で奏でた後、それをクオンタイズする。すると、このようになります。(1) (1)

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, plays. The power of level 5 multiplied by the day it was born, in a graceful, light, flowing rhythm, played by both hands of level 5, then quantize it. It then looks like this.(1) (1)


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



075_05_08_ZXR 001_t2_08

曲名「ZXR 001」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:Z & X & R & Asasane 演奏時間:2分08秒
カテゴリー: +20Pink+○⑤+20Pink+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by a level 6 who does not read the notes. After the left hand of level 5 plays it, quantize it with a sense of rhythmic expression in the strength and lightness of the flow. Then it will look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



076_05_09_R 001_t3_46

曲名「R 001」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:R & Asasane 演奏時間:3分46秒
カテゴリー: +20Pink+○⑤+20Pink+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by level 6 who does not read the notes. In a gentle, light flow, it is played by the left hand of level 5, which then quantizes it. It will then look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



066_04_11_Level5-Four 003_1_t2_06

曲名「Level5-Four 003_1」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:Level5 & Asasane 演奏時間:2分06秒
カテゴリー: +20Blue+○④+20Blue+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))
音符を読まないレベル6が演奏する。レベル5の力と生まれた日とを掛け合わせて、優雅に軽やかに流れるリズムで、レベル5の両手で奏でた後、それをクオンタイズする。すると、このようになります。(3) (1)

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, plays. The power of level 5 multiplied by the day it was born, in a graceful, light, flowing rhythm, played by both hands of level 5, then quantize it. It then looks like this.(3) (1)


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.




曲名「WA」 作曲:L & R & F & X & Z & T 演奏:Asasane 演奏時間:4分26秒
カテゴリー: +環合+○⑥+環合+環合+One新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, who does not read the notes, plays. Both hands of level 5 play with a sense of being a circle with harmony, as if everyone’s power was gathered, then quantize. It then looks like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



077_05_10_R 002_t3_26

曲名「R 002」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:R & Asasane 演奏時間:3分26秒
カテゴリー: +20Pink+○⑤+20Pink+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by level 6, which does not read the notes. With a unique pause and a sense of wonder, level 5’s left hand plays it, then quantizes it. Then it goes like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



078_05_11_R 003_t3_08

曲名「R 003」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:R & Asasane 演奏時間:3分08秒
カテゴリー: +20Pink+○⑤+20Pink+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
It is played by level 6, which does not read the notes. After a comfortable, light tempo and rhythm to be aware of the third, level 5’s left hand plays it, then quantizes it. It will then look like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



067_04_12_SHIN 002_t3_50

曲名「SHIN 002」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:SHIN & L & X & R & Asasane 演奏時間:3分50秒
カテゴリー: +20Blue+○④+20Blue+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, plays. It is played by both hands of level 5 in a slow but pleasantly mysterious flow of tempo and sense of lightness, then quantize it. Then it goes like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



081_06_52_RLXZT 002_t2_48

曲名「RLXZT 002」 作曲:R & L & X & Z & T 演奏:Asasane 演奏時間:2分48秒
カテゴリー: +環合+○⑥+環合+環合+One新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, who does not read the notes, plays. Everyone joins forces and plays with both hands of level 5, then quantize. Then it looks like this.


Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasaneデザイン工房.
Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.



079_05_12_Level5-Four 002_2_t3_56

曲名「Level5-Four 002_2」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:Level5 & Asasane 演奏時間:3分56秒
カテゴリー: +20Pink+○⑤+20Pink+新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習


◆◇楽曲説明文(music description)◇◆

(国内向(for domestic use))
音符を読まないレベル6が演奏する。レベル5の力と生まれた日とを掛け合わせて、優雅に軽やかに流れるリズムで、レベル5の両手で奏でた後、それをクオンタイズする。すると、このようになります。(2) (2)

(海外向(for overseas use))
Level 6, which does not read notes, plays. The power of level 5 multiplied by the day it was born, in a graceful, light, flowing rhythm, played by both hands of level 5, then quantize it. It then looks like this.(2) (2)


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Copyright © 2015-2024 Asasane Design Studio.