

019_02_02_Level5 next LXRZTαEc 7 0s 005_t5_04

曲名「Level5 next LXRZTαEc 7 0s 005」 作曲:Asasane 演奏:L & X & R & Z & T & α & Ec & Asasane
カテゴリー: 進化環26②新羊聞覚+R次元+&80⊃進化環26⑧練習未発表


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(海外向(for overseas use))
A level 6 player, who does not read notes, played with both hands on level 5. The tune had a strange, lightness, uniqueness, precision, tenderness, natural feeling, and a changing sense of good things. And when I tried it again this day, my mind and feelings came up, and I was playing with a flow of strange sensations that made me think that I originally liked this sensation that everyone was playing. Quantize it. Then it goes like this.


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