音符を読まないレベル6が演奏する。レベル5の右手とレベル5の左手で奏でた後、それをクォンタイズする。 すると、このようになります。 It is played by level 6, which does not read the notes. After being played by the right hand of level 5 and the left hand of level 5, it is quantized. Then it looks like this. Ele é tocado pelo nível 6, que não lê as notas. É jogado pela mão direita do nível 5 e pela mão esquerda do nível 5, que depois a quantifica.
Isto então parecerá assim. 它是由一个六级水平的人演奏的,他不读音符。 经过五级水平的右手和五级水平的左手的演奏,它被量化了。
(海外向(for overseas use)) A level 6 player plays with both hands on level 5. While playing, he looks into his heart. There existed the thought of friends and companionship, and the feeling of a heartbeat filled with tenderness and love. There was also a unique sense of flow and precision, strength and tenderness, and an innate sense of being. And there was also a changing flow of good things. Quantize that. Then it looks like this. [018_02_01]
(海外向(for overseas use)) A level 6 player, who does not read notes, played with both hands on level 5. The tune had a strange, lightness, uniqueness, precision, tenderness, natural feeling, and a changing sense of good things. And when I tried it again this day, my mind and feelings came up, and I was playing with a flow of strange sensations that made me think that I originally liked this sensation that everyone was playing. Quantize it. Then it goes like this. [019_02_02]
(海外向(for overseas use)) It is played by a level 6 player, who does not read notes, with two hands on level 5. The tune is light and flowing, unique and precise, with a sense of courage, tenderness, and naturalness present. And there exists a changing sense of goodness, a sense of green and powerful, a sense of wood yellow and wood temperament, played with a stream of mind that is luminous, luminous, luminous great, and honorable. And then quantize it. Then it will look like this. [020_02_03]
(海外向(for overseas use)) It is played by a level 6 player who does not read notes, but plays with two hands on level 5. The tune has an irregularity and uniqueness, a strength and friendship, and a precision that makes one’s heart beat more lightly and lightly than ever before. And there is a natural feeling that runs through it, and it is played with a changing flow of good things. Quantize it. Then it will look like this. [021_02_04]
(海外向(for overseas use)) If you sing by level 6, which does not know the basics of music. If you sing in that voice, it will sound like this. (1) [096_37_031204101]
(海外向(for overseas use)) A level 6 player, who does not read notes, plays with level 5 hands. The tune played has a fresh feeling, a shimmering, light, stable sound, and in concert with everyone else, there is a clean pulse, a changable flow of the earth’s frequencies. Quantize it. Then, this is what happens. [022_02_05]
(海外向(for overseas use)) It is played by a level 6 player who does not read the notes, but plays with two hands on level 5. In that tune, the quiet gale, the gentle movement of the heart, the usual comfort, the flow of the heartbeat that unlocks the doors of heaven, earth, and mind, is present and played. Quantize it. Then it goes like this. [023_02_06]
(海外向(for overseas use)) A level 6 player who does not read notes plays with a level 5 left hand. The dimension expresses the over factor Zigen. played by a level 5 + R flow with different dimensions. Quantize it. Then, it becomes like this. [024_02_07]
(海外向(for overseas use)) A level 6 player who does not read the notes says to the level 5 right hand. Please take care of it. And plays it. And quantize it. Then it goes like this. [025_02_08]
(海外向(for overseas use)) A level 6 player who does not read notes plays with both hands of level 5. As if watching a real song, it flows nimbly, dances with precision, has strength and grace, and plays in a resonant flow like a dragon god hanging over the heavens. Quantize it. Then it will look like this. [026_02_09]
(海外向(for overseas use)) A level 6 player who does not read notes plays with level 5 two hands. It is played with a unique, precise, strength and graceful, fusion mix tropical fine musician flow of lively natural flow, light flow. Quantize it. Then it will look like this. [027_02_10]
(海外向(for overseas use)) A level 6 player who does not read notes plays with the two hands of a level 5 player. It is played with a flow that is light, soft, shimmering and joyous, strong and gentle, reminiscent of heavenly echoes, and reminds one of the dawn sky of a new heaven and new earth. Quantize it. Then it will look like this. [028_02_11]